Alvin and the Chipmunks


Alvin and the Chipmunks

Peter Bradshaw
Friday December 21, 2007
The Guardian

Is it for kids? Adults? Marsupials? Martians? Who can tell. Jason Lee from My Name Is Earl stars - if that is the word - in this thoroughly brain-dead semi-animated family comedy, based on an old cartoon series about, ahem, talking chipmunks. Lee is a struggling songwriter, who discovers the group of hilarious animated chipmunks in his apartment; they talk and sing their dismal lines in electronic Pinky-and-Perky voices that made me want to plunge my head into a cauldron of boiling tar.


ahem - hmm

cauldron - kocioł

chipmunk – wiewiórka ziemna

dismal – ponury, posępny

hilarious - zabawny

marsupial - torbacz

plunge (into)- zanurzać (w)

tar - smoła


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