Breaking and Entering

Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Peter Bradshaw
Friday November 10, 2006
The Guardian

Many are the critical lips that have curled at Anthony Minghella's new movie since it opened at the London film festival a few weeks ago. Maybe its various liberal and upper-middle-class milieux make it vulnerable to jeers; I can only say I found it flawed but complex and ambitious, a watchable, good-looking film.
Jude Law plays a conceited architect who has gambled on moving his practice to King's Cross in north London, with a mission to gentrify and redevelop the local area. His relationship with his partner (Robin Wright Penn) and his stepdaughter is stagnating, and his impending personal breakdown is accelerated when his trendy new premises are repeatedly burgled by the sort of criminal element he had been hoping to "design out" of the neighbourhood. Law tries to catch the teenage thief and instead begins an amour fou with the boy's mother (Juliette Binoche), a Bosnian Muslim refugee whose interest in him he fatefully misreads.
Some of the more high-flown passion is uneasy, especially at the end. But the film is full of interesting characters, intelligently conceived scenes and funny lines - particularly from Martin Freeman as Law's long-suffering partner in the architectural practice. Juliet Stevenson plays Law's therapist, a role that recalls her famous therapy scene in Minghella's 1991 film Truly, Madly, Deeply.

accelerate- przyspieszać
breakdown- krach, załamanie, niepowodzenie
burgle- włamywać się
complex- złożony
conceited- zarozumiały
conceive- wymyślać
curl- krzywić, wykrzywiać
fatefully- fatalnie
flawed- wadliwy, skażony
fou- szalony
gamble on- postawić na coś
gentrify- podnosić status
impend- zagrażać, zbliżać się, wisieć nad
jeer- drwina, szyderstwo
milieu, (liczba mnoga milieux)- sfera, środowisko
misread- błędnie odczytywać
passion- namiętność, pasja
premises- posesja
stagnate- być w zastoju, w stagnacji
vulnerable to- podatny na
watchable- znośny, dający się oglądać


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