
Artykuł pochodzi z pisma "Guardian"

Xan Brooks
Friday September 8, 2006
The Guardian

Co-scripted by Wes Craven, Pulse was shot cheaply in Romania and is as parasitical as Dracula in sucking the lifeblood out of the Japanese horror that inspired it. Where 2001's Kairo spotlighted the anomie at the heart of techno-culture, the remake is just an excuse for a gaggle of decorative dimwits to run screaming from the ghosts in their PCs. Most of the cast look as if they would struggle to set up a MySpace profile, let alone hack into a portal to the underworld.

anomie- anomia (brak norm moralnych)
cast- obsada
co-script- współtworzyć scenariusz
dimwit- tuman, przygłup
gaggle- hałaśliwe stado
inspire- inspirować
parasitical- pasożytniczy
set up- ustawiać, montować, wznosić
shoot- tu: filmować, kręcić (o filmie)
spotlight- zwracać uwagę na, rzucać światło na
suck out- wysysać
underworld- zaświaty; światek przestępczy


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